Friday, November 23, 2007

Release of PSLE results

Nov 22 - Yesterday was the release of the PSLE results. I'm very very happy. All my pupils passed which is something of a feat I'm proud of! Proud that their hard work had paid off.

I think the tough part had been all the evening class, endless remedials and fighting the lethargy that bugged me constantly throughout the year. The marking was endless and it really seemed like an endless road. Thinking back, I'm glad all that had paid off. Out of 38 pupils, all passed and made it to Sec school. 5 made it direct to Express stream while I got 6 with option between Express and Normal(Academic). However, got one pupil going to N(T) while another has the option of Normal(Academic) and Normal(Technical).

Actually, hard work does pay off. Those who work hard really do get to reap their efforts. It's really reaping what is sowed.

Anyway, I'm now slowing down a lot. Crawling in fact. I'm getting ready for next year competition in Basketball. Still hope to break into the West Zone league. May the Lord bless the team in their performance next year!