Wow! Jackie's... is a woman of God! Just returned back from her service and I just got so many things to write.
My big takeaway is when she explained about each of us running our own race. That really struck me hard. I don't think I have enough time to meditate on this entry - but allow me to just give a short summary.
God reserved a special portion for Caleb and it was his race to run. If he doesn't do it, nobody else would. And there ain't any substitutes.
That got me teary-eyed. And then she went on talking about running to win the prize - finishing is the important thing. That got me even more teary because of 2 things - one is that we have to run till the end. Second is that we are not competing with each other. That's a really fresh revelation to me. I'm not competing w my brothers/sisters to win the lost!
Wow! I just felt a new sense of freedom from some unknown bondage! Whatever that is!