Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Phew, finally got things done. Had a lot of things going on at the same time - doing up a science noticeboard, getting ready for the Sony Science Creative Award at my school, preparing for the upcoming P5 camp at Jalan Bahtera. I think that's quite a lot of things going for one semester!

Today apologized to J. Didn't really get to see him personally, I guess he's sort of avoiding me. Anyway, I was too busy to get a chance to apologize to him face to face. I will definitely do it if I manage to catch him at a good opportunity. I was running around like a busy bumblebee all day. But seriously, I am enjoying myself. It's not often that I get to actually "enjoy" my days in school. I am glad that they took me down from being an ADM. Phew, that's one post which I really didn't enjoy at all!

I was examining myself today. This week is the santification week for my network in church. Santification, means, . . .setting apart for God. I know it more as making myself pure, making myself close to God, setting myself apart from other non-believers for God's purpose. But somehow, my view of santification means a lot different now. I remember last time, when I was still struggling, santification meant keeping myself away from tempations. But now, I felt as if it's a special occasion for me to just set me and my family apart, to put ourselves for God's purposes, especially since I am in a ministry where I can make a difference to my sons and daughters lives.

I thanked God for these few children that I can shower my love upon. Sometimes, as I think about how they come into our lives, it's really such an improbable task. Right now, I just want to keep praying for them and watch them grow and be independent sons and daughters for God. Each of them are different, in fact, vastly different in aptitude, attitude and values. For me, I hope to imbue within them a love for God, a close relationship for His family and a strong foundation of Him. I think if I can do that, I would have been successful.