Thursday, February 8, 2007

Stoning now. Yesterday went to leaders' meeting - lasted till 10pm. Felt very tired. By the time I got home, it was around 11pm already.

Did my QT today. Was reading Ps 2 and Mat 2. As I was reading, I felt that God has a certain order to things. Even as John knows that Jesus will be one greater than him, baptizing people with fire and the holy spirit, John still consented, relented and baptize Jesus with water.

Perhaps right now, it's because I feel very tired so somehow, I felt like a piece of worm. But I know that God has an order to things. He called me to be a teacher so a teacher I will be. How long? I don't know but he hasn't told me to stop. I know from His word that He told us to be faithful and diligent servants/sons so I just obey. Actually, now as I pen this down, I feel happy leh. Because just being in his plans, I know everything will be ok. Even though I am tired, even though I might get "arrowed", even though I might get "pointed fingers at", I know that He is watching out for me.